
Would you like to know and explore more about Yemeni coffee ...

Is Your Right Place

Aden - Aden Mall Backyard

27-28-29 January 2024



The First National Exhibition of Coffee - Aden

The First National Exhibition of Coffee is a cultural and educational festival that aims to develop national identity and promote coffee culture within the community, while also advancing the local and global coffee industry. It encourages interaction between coffee growers and attendees to raise awareness about coffee farming and preparation methods.

: Official Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries
: Official Organizing Partner
Yafea Foundation for Development
: Marketing Entity
Company Beacon Marketing

How Did It Start?

Based on the belief of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries, in its responsibilities in reviving agricultural activity in Yemen, As one of the most important resources on which the country's economy is based since ancient times, and because coffee is the agricultural tool that is famous Yemen has been in it since the first seedling, Thus, it achieved international fame and its effects reflected on the cultural and social identity of Yemen. The coffee tree was the first plant that drank necks and moods to make Yemen home to many Commercial trips, and because coffee cultivation is ... at risk of declining as the world celebrates World Coffee Day, The Ministry of Agriculture felt its responsibilities in commemorating this event, and directing the attention of the world and the local community towards Giving this plant the attention it deserves as Yemen is its first cradle, and showing the importance of growing and manufacturing coffee economic for the country and the individual, And restore its consideration locally, regionally and globally with the decline of the general economy The Ministry has implemented many activities and projects Aimed at expanding coffee cultivation in the targeted districts and establishing the National Center for the Crop Coffee as an essential tributary for the development of coffee trees as a national crop for Yemen That's where the idea of the exhibition began. As part of the efforts to mobilize support for the exhibition, the Ministry has assigned the Yafee Foundation for Development As a major partner for organizing and equipping the exhibition, as part of its prominent role in restoring the status of coffee, it has carried out studies Numerous in Agricultural areas and valleys, and has also established various training courses for farmers and that In coordination with the Ministry, civil society organizations and institutions working in the field of coffee.

The objectives of the exhibition

- Highlighting the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries in the field of development and the growth of coffee production.
- Introducing the importance of local coffee in the national economy and showcasing its excellent quality.
- Demonstrating the cultural significance of coffee in social life and its cultural heritage.
- Promoting the economic advantages of Arabica coffee.
- Spreading coffee culture within the local community and targeted countries.
- Encouraging farmers to focus on developing coffee production.
- Attracting the interest of regional and international organizations to assist in enhancing cooperation and exchange among relevant parties, contributing to the value and sustainable development of the coffee sector.

The importance of the exhibition

- Enhancing cultural awareness of the history of Yemeni coffee.
- Expanding knowledge and understanding of the ancient and artisanal coffee industry.
- The exhibition provides an opportunity for attendance, visibility, and also for investment.
- Understanding the nature of work and the economy related to the coffee industry, increasing income and empowerment in personal trade and the local economy.
- Exchanging ideas and solutions through the panel discussions held during the exhibition.
- An opportunity to discover the challenges and difficulties related to the coffee industry and understand preparation methods.
- Supporting communication and collaboration among enthusiasts and investors in the field.

The Target Audience

Events & Offers

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Cafes Corner

It showcases local products and a variety of brown drinks and snacks.

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Shopping Corner

This corner is dedicated to supporting and encouraging farmers and businesses. Local via their product display And presenting them as sales to meet one of the most important objectives of the exhibition.

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Folklore Corner

To search for cultural identity and see the popular cultural heritage, the "Folk Heritage Corner" receives visitors to create An exciting and creative experience that blends in with the great history and the exciting present.

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Agriculture Engineers Corner

To see the most important innovations and recent research in the field of agriculture, the "Agricultural Engineers Corner" exchanges knowledge and new technologies to improve the quality and productivity of the coffee industry.

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Creativity Corner

To view artworks inspired by the coffee industry, the Creativity Corner showcases works by artists using coffee As a means of artistic expression and the creation of unique pieces of art that embody the spirit and beauty of the industry.

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TV Interview Corner

If anyone wants to listen to experts in the coffee industry, the "TV Interview Corner" receives the most important Eminent personalities to discuss challenges and exchange conversations.

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Closed Tent Corner

For a creative visual vision, the "Closed Tent Corner" displays educational videos in an exciting way that highlights Different aspects of the coffee industry.

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Entertainment Theater Corner

To bring joy to hearts and fill the atmosphere with drama and joyful effects, there is the "Entertainment Theater Corner" To do These include, as they include innovative musical performances and entertaining and varied competitions.

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Gastronomic Corner

To enjoy the distinctive taste of Yemeni coffee and to identify the companies producing and exporting coffee, the "Taste Corner" reviews A wonderful range of corporate products in front of visitors to taste the wonderful taste of coffee.

A Tour Of The Exhibition

To ensure a successful and memorable experience for visitors, a decor will be created and designed that aligns with the exhibition's identity and embodies its spirit. It will showcase a modern touch that combines innovation and heritage. Additionally, a dedicated team will be present to ensure efficient organization of entry and exit movements. To achieve comprehensive media coverage, a team will work on all social media platforms and local media outlets in Aden to widely disseminate our message. Visual media such as satellite channels, audio media such as radio, and written media such as newspapers and magazines will be targeted to ensure that all segments of society are aware of and engaged with the exhibition.




To create a kind of spread of coffee culture on the community, work will be done to create an interactive electronic competition for By using the "Exhibition ID", the winners of the top three places will receive valuable prizes. There is also Many diverse and distinctive competitions that will be held on stage on the days of the exhibition.

Note: For more details about the electronic competition, please follow the special social media pages in the exhibition